Everything We Know About Season of Blood

Diablo 4 Season 2

When does Diablo 4's Season of Blood begin?

Season of Blood will begin on October 17, 2023.

What can we expect from Season 2?

According to the official Blizzard announcement, here's the main plot:

At the behest of their dark master, a newly turned army of ravenous vampires has set their sights on Sanctuary. The master's sinister plot remains a shrouded mystery but their pursuit for the blood of innocents has caused an uproar. You must learn to hunt the hunter—your fate depends on it.

Season of Blood will introduce a new Questline for you to uncover, Vampiric Powers to wield against their originators, 5 additional endgame bosses with the ability to target specific Unique and Uber Unique items as a drop, and more.

Also promised are new changes to renown rewards, which will carry over when completed on any prior character beyond Altars of Lilith and map discovery. This includes Potion charges, Skill points, Obol cap upgrades, and Paragon points.

Quality of Life Improvements

The Diablo 4 community has not been shy about giving feedback and the developers have listened. Here are some of the quality of life changes mentioned by Blizzard:

  • More efficient Inventory management for Gems.
  • Paragon Points, Skill Points, Potion Charges, and Obol capacity upgrades will now carry over into a new Season once achieved with an Eternal or previous Seasonal Realm character.
  • Changes to the functionality of status effects such as Vulnerable, Overpower, Critical Strike Damage and also Elemental Resistances.

The ability to target specific Unique and Ultra Unique items as a drop is a welcomed upgrade and will be available in both Seasonal and Eternal Realms.

Trailer Announcement

Below is our first early look as Diablo 4's Season 2 where we meet Erys, a vampire hunter (voiced by actress and producer Gemma Chan).

We wrote this summary to save you time. For the full details, visit the official Diablo 4 Season of Blood Announcement.